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raspé architekten berlin


Berlin Beta 2001
Festival for Digital Media, Business and Culture

Urban Drift

Excerpt from the programm

Curator: Francesca Ferguson | Moderation: Sascha Haselmeyer AA & Carillion Plc, London | Joachim Sauter Art & Com, Berlin | Steffen Lehmann Lehmann Architekten, Berlin

Urban Drift seeks to open up the discipline of architecture to a wider audience, and show ways in which new technologies and interdisciplinary practice can extend the boundaries of architecture. The presented projects show new means of involoving the public in design processes and reanimating and reconfigurating peripheral and conflict-ridden urban spaces. Through mobile and digital networks and new media, notions of community and collective perceptions of urban space are redefined.

Delight, Economy, Speed, Time

Cedric Price Cedric Price Architects, London

One of the most challenging provocateurs in the field will illustrate his key belief that time is the fourth dimension necessary to avoid architecture becoming frozen and inflexible

Wild Cities

Eyal Weizman Eruv architects, Tel Aviv: The politics of verticality | Milica Topalovic Berlage Institut, Amsterdam/Belgrad: The wild city | Mathew Griffin & Britta Jürgens Deadline Architects, Berlin: Urban OS | F.R.E.d Rubin Bildhauer, Berlin: Rotational recycling and its consequences

Mobilising the potential of urban environments out of control

The projects [...] have in common that they make use of chaotic and uncontrolled urban processes in order to carve out a space for new architectural and design strategies and practice.

Designing the reality shift     Resampling the city

Mark Goulthorpe dECOi Architects, Paris: Reciprocal architecture - the shift from auto-plastic to alloplastic space Reed Kram Kramdesign, Denmark/ OMA, Amsterdam: Multimedia against architecture

Engaged Autonomy

Franz Sumnitsch (BKK3, Wien): Die Sargfabrik | Claire Pétetin (Grégoire & Pétetin, Paris): Second time zone territories | Caroline Raspé (raspé_architekten, Berlin) & Maria Papadimitriou (Künstlerin, Athen): TAMA - temporary autonomous museum for all) | Urs Füssler & Andreas Schneider (Berlin): Haus des Lehrers

Engaged Autonomy denotes methods and strategies which question and extend pre-ordainerd systems and urban design processes. Both new technologies and interdisciplinary unterstanding of architecture extend the possibilities of collective action, bending of the rules by which urban planning and architecture is governed ...